Monday, April 14, 2014

Racing Trailer

Here is one and I think it is pretty much all in game (I'm not sure because I know that the stuff is all really nice graphics so... not sure what's in game and not)
But I think it has a lot of nice camera angles, and shots of the cars racing. For example there are a lot of close up shots where a car shoots by... because we will only be racing one car at a time, this is a strategy we can use. Additionally the video showed close ups of cars, which think would be a good thing to play around with. Pick a few of the best cars and show case some of their best features.

This is another okay one if you mute out the guys voice...

This one is a bit boring compared to the one above but it has a lot of good shots and camera moves

This is a trailer I have posted before. I know it's not a racing game, but I feel it has exceptionally good pacing for a gameplay trailer. It begins by panning through a few environments, and then shit hits the fan and there is at one point a montage of action scenes.

Switch out action scenes with stunts and I feel there could be a really strong base for a trailer....

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