Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ideas for Maya Scripts

For a project, we are making scripts in Maya...
I have yet to do any research, but these are things I wish one button could do.

  1. Mirror and then separate them objects
  2. Conform faces, delete history, freeze transforms, move pivot to the bottom, and center pivot, place pivot to the 0,0,0 coordinate...
  3. A code that deletes history after every five clicks...
  4. A script that duplicates and object, and then puts it in a new layer, and hides it...
  5. selected every other edge on an object...
  6. A button on the keyboard that goes through the move, rotate, and scale tool like the space bar does in UDK...
  7. A button that selects and divides N-gons
  8. A script that hides everything but the selected object in all view ports...
  9. Modeling tool kit
  10. Rig pre-export check

Monday, April 14, 2014

Racing Trailer

Here is one and I think it is pretty much all in game (I'm not sure because I know that the stuff is all really nice graphics so... not sure what's in game and not)
But I think it has a lot of nice camera angles, and shots of the cars racing. For example there are a lot of close up shots where a car shoots by... because we will only be racing one car at a time, this is a strategy we can use. Additionally the video showed close ups of cars, which think would be a good thing to play around with. Pick a few of the best cars and show case some of their best features.

This is another okay one if you mute out the guys voice...

This one is a bit boring compared to the one above but it has a lot of good shots and camera moves

This is a trailer I have posted before. I know it's not a racing game, but I feel it has exceptionally good pacing for a gameplay trailer. It begins by panning through a few environments, and then shit hits the fan and there is at one point a montage of action scenes.

Switch out action scenes with stunts and I feel there could be a really strong base for a trailer....

Saturday, April 5, 2014

New Mock up

I wanted to do my HUD with pipes, but was getting really frustrated with the art and mocking something up due to stressing over both the art style and placement at the same time.
So I decided to mock it up in grey and came up with this layout, which I really like. 
I'm going to start with the under set of pipes and wires, and save them out as a separate image
Next my boost gauges and speedometer. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

3/31/14 Figure Drawings

5 minute gesture

5 minute gesture

5 minute gesture

10 Minute

5 minute

20 minute

20 minute midpoint

40 minute

HUD with Level

So I put a screenshot of my level under my HUD just to see how the colors and design look with the environment....

HUD Research

To start my HUD, I looked at the speedometer of the car I modeled. My car and the speedometer are a bit far apart since I did and old car and my level is Sci-fi... 

 So I pulled up a few HUDs from my childhood :]

I thought I wanted to do something like Mario Kart... but its a bit boring...

Kingdom Hearts is my favorite game... EVER... And I always loved the... menu bars? They are custom to every world and show quirky things about the world... I kind of want to do this with mine (thats initially why I looked at Mario Kart) 

To contrast this, I found some sleeker sci-fi designs... I light blend the two...

Now I just gotta test it out to see how the design looks in my level. It might be a bit to cheerful looking...